Quantum immortality old age

Quantum immortality old age. You can die of heart failure, you can die of dementia, you can die of a disease your immune system used to be strong enough to fight, but you can’t die of hitting an internal odometer The only thing that gives me pause about quantum immortality is old age. What is Quantum Suicide Theory? Quantum Suicide Theory is a thought experiment in quantum mechanics that proposes that a person will never experience their own death due to quantum immortality, as every possible outcome of an event will occur in a parallel universe. quantum immortal state during the Everett box experiment, or quantum gun experiment. (You can skip this part:) yeah, the universe and all of its contents branches off every smallest measure of time possible (maybe smaller near absolute zero in time relative terms) where each possible next position of a random element may occur. We don’t HAVE “expiration dates”. Our old age would bring us all down eventually. [ 1 ] The thought experiment was created by Max [ 1 ] In the thought experiment, a person stands in front of a gun which fires if it detects a subatomic particle as having an upward spin, or does not fire if the gun detects a downward spin. I should also note that to the best of my knowledge, Lanza, who is referrenced in there, is not trained in QM, and his hypothesis of life after death due to QM had mixed reviews at best - but really Jul 15, 2023 · Of the many stages of life delineated in the ancient Buddhist Sutras,”Old Age & Death” are merged into one’! While it’s interesting to learn another of the myrriad proximal causes the end of of life, there,’s always a novel one to to set my 86-year old self up straight: “Wild-type ATTR Amyloidosis, which may be near certain over 110 Some interpretations of the Quantum Immortality theory also say that the cat's consciousness will always switch to the universe where the cat is alive, therefore making it immortal, but that really has more to do with philosophy and the nature of consciousness than quantum physics, which is really outside the scope of this discussion We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. If, by chance, one of you lived to be 150, he would still be extremely old and likely to pass away from old age soon. Purportedly, it can falsify any interpretation of quantum mechanics other than the Everett many-worlds interpretation by means of a variation of the Schrödinger's cat thought experiment, from the cat's point of view. The preservation of information implicit in quantum mechanics, and known as the “no-hide theorem” Jun 1, 2021 · This paper will discuss quantum immortality in theoretical and mathematical aspects and evaluate its authority, or possibility, of its existence in real life. Quantum suicide is a thought experiment in which an experimenter sets up a device that measures the spin of a quantum particle, and if the spin is measured in a certain way, the device will kill the experimenter. The idea is that ultimately you'd end up in a timeline where nobody dies anymore, like maybe they've figured out how to reverse the aging process or maybe your brain gets put into a robot body or uploaded into a computer. The many world interpretation (whether you agree with it or not) says that there's [;x;] probability, say 50%, of that organ failing at any given moment. everyone you know is dead The big problem is that for quantum immortality to be a real thing at all, the many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics must be correct, and there's literally no reason whatsoever to think that's the case. He was obsessed with an idea that he named "quantum immortality," the notion that an individual's consciousness persists endlessly through a multitude of parallel realities, never truly perishing. And as it is the case with most Feb 5, 2024 · Gary Wayne Engelman,rwcently discovered two Black Holes at the center core of every planetary sphere in space! joining together, two scaled down versions of Black Holes prestaged with nano matierials would begin formation/creation of a nanosphere with beyond quantum technologies and capabilities also black hole propulshion at the center core of the nano ORB using Dark matter as propulshion some form of immortality – became known as “quantum immortality” following the “quantum suicide” (QS) thought experiment proposed by Moravec (1988), Marchal (1991), and Squires (1994), and later popularized by Tegmark (1998). TikTok video from 齐天大圣 (@iamtiantan): “Explore the fascinating concept of quantum immortality and its connection to old age. with QI, we are simply staying on the closest branch where we survive. And mostly a better timeline having a lower entropy. . Jul 24, 2023 · Quantum immortality began as a thought experiment in the late 1980s and was later more fully formulated by the physicist and cosmologist Max Tegmark. (Assuming they don’t cure aging lol. yup the question can we shift to a younger vessel and skip dying or quantum immortality is a gift to younger people is interesting. So ultimately, perhaps, only the yous that had come to terms with their immortality would survive. May 27, 2024 · Quantum mechanics delves into Quantum Suicide and Immortality, proposing that every possible outcome spawns separate universes. Nov 11, 2020 · Suicide The Impossibility of Being Dead The key to immortality lies in how quantum physics applies to the everyday world Posted November 11, 2020 | Reviewed by Kaja Perina Quantum Immortality usually refers to, in a classical sense, a person who is “lucky” enough to survive in any incident in the world. Introduction. ‘Quantum Immortality’ (QI) is an extension of the QS Fallacy (QSF) with some additional unlikely Oct 22, 2023 · Quantum immortality can be particularly unsettling when it comes to medical ethics and end-of-life care. The events of your life are a faint memory that you soon forget as you go on in a different layer of the dream we call "life. As you indicate, you're likely to die of old age even when doing Quantum Suicide - at least in one of the universes where you live on till then. and not also your poor old dad’s dotage, or something quite like it, compared to which you are eminently more serviceable. Even in present timeline we have a dramatic reduction of entropy,consider a 1960 JFK with any 2010 dude of same age. -you turn 100, you are the oldest person in your family and have probably been for a while. Reasons to hope to see the age of 100 and beyond: Biomedical rejuvenation through damage repair, manipulation of metabolism, beyond the mere results of exercise, caloric restriction, and fasting. -you turn 200, you break the record for the oldest person alive and most likely to have ever lived. That is, in fact, when we say that one becomes “immortal”. Why are you talking about death from old age? I can't believe that some people think such thing actually exists. If the theory is correct, euthanasia, for instance, takes on a new ethical dimension. certain survival in quantum-Russian-roulette-like situations (the ‘Quantum Suicide’ (QS) thought experiment) has become common enough that it is now necessary to publicly debunk this belief despite the risk of further publicizing it. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I wonder whether deaths from old age result in consciousness transferring to a newborn child. Apr 15, 2018 · Quantum immortality is a philosophical thought experiment about what happens when you combine quantum many-state-ness with the anthropic principle and survivorship bias. Recently I discovered the theory of quantum immortality. I think the quantum aspect gets activated if they have an unfinished purpose on the earth that results in some type of direct or indirect butterfly effect. (Especially if he is pushing up daisies). Negligible senescence is a term coined by biogerontologist Caleb Finch to denote organisms that do not exhibit evidence of senescence (biological aging), such as measurable reductions in their reproductive capability, measurable functional decline, or rising death rates with age. That said, no way to know for sure! If you really want to test quantum immortality, you have to either wait until you're 300 and everyone else you know is long dead, or repeatedly participate in risky activities and see if you miraculously live each time. 3 The impossibility of euthanasia and the need for cryothanasia 22 6. Things and are similar but somehow slightly different- or maybe a LOT different. I might come back to this post later to elaborate more, but my brain is very tired. edu I don’t think quantum immortality is a guarantee for everyone, I think it’s a fail safe for the universe to keep certain progressions in place. The reason being is that if someone is evil they don’t live that long (like 500+ years) so the evil they can perpetrate is lessened, and also the earth after the global flood couldn’t support 100 billion+ people like before the flood (although the pre-diluvian human population was estimated to be 1 trillion+ people). It’s not 120 years precisely. It’s worth underscoring that this is a thought experiment, not advice. Taken from JRE #1352 w/Sean Carroll: https://youtu. Could the quantum immortality theory also be linked to something like reincarnation, whereas whatever karma you amounted for in this life could be sent towards having better life circumstances in another alternate universe or Yes, thanks for asking. 4 Multiverse-immortality increases the chances of the success of Quantum immortality refers to the experience of surviving quantum suicide. 1 Surviving until life extension technologies 21 6. If you imagine someone dying from `old age', there's a moment at which something in their body fails, causing them to die. #quantumimmortality #metaphysics”. And it's not even a different role,but an extension. It’s an interesting idea, but I wouldn’t bet my life on it. Accepting quantum immortality would mean reconsidering how we approach the moral weight of life-and-death decisions. of Physics, MIT 70 Vassar St, Rm 37-626B Cambridge, MA 02139 (617) 452-4627 tegmark@mit. Max Tegmark Dept. So I’m somewhat of a physics hobbyist, but my understanding of most principles is poor at best. It is demonstrated that QI is a particular case of The theory of quantum immortality is just that, a theory. Dec 23, 2022 · Quantum immortality, also known as quantum suicide, is a controversial concept that has garnered attention in both the scientific and philosophical communities. Jun 14, 2019 · Quantum Immortality - is it real? Quantum mechanics shows that all particles are not particles at all but really waves of probabilities. Aug 8, 2020 · Quantum immortality, also known as the quantum suicide . Finally, the paper brings out the evaluation of quantum immortality in a real life stance. if an atom can decay any SECOND (but not in-between for the sake of simplicity) with a 50% probability, and if it does decay, you die, then you survive the first second with a chance of 50%, the next with 25%, then 12,5%… quantum immortality is How can that be explained with something like natural death at an old age or something that develops like cancer. He suggests that we may die many times in our lifetime. years. 1. How does quantum immortality deal with death and old age? In theory, wouldn’t you just “age out” of your life? At 105? 110 years? Do you eventually stop About 25%. Dive into the theory and implications with this insightful discussion. Reply. Eventually you die of old age and you be restored to life young. Long story short, about 5 years ago, I took a breakthrough dose of DMT. But even then you could be killed other ways…) My take on this theory is that it just guarantees you the chance to die of old age by swapping to an alternate reality where you don’t die unnaturally. Also, I find Big World immortality more probable than strict quantum immortality (they both as referred as versions of so called multiverse immortality) Quantum Physics has been mystified to such a degree in the 21st century, it has actually become a religion to most ordinary individuals. Like 90 years old in the next universe will be a young age , with peak age at 400. That's why it's called quantum immortality, because everyone ultimately ends up immortal. If you die of old age, even, there is a chance that you did not die of old age. picture this: quantum immortality is real, your consciousness can never die out. Because: I don't know whether modal realism is true (so 50/50) and I don't know whether copy friendly theory of identity is true (so 50/50 as well). say a particle that could move left in one universe moves right in another. People think that they understand it, and have formed beliefs and biases around it. It might So if this theory holds weight, we’d still all be mortal. quantum immortality is supposed to be living in a physically POSSIBLE but unlikely world created by the collapse of Schrodinger’s function. " Feb 21, 2019 · Negligible senescence largely fits the bill. Dying from old age is just an expression. Reply reply Prof. Quantum immortality, quantum suicide, many worlds and Schrödinger’s Cat, and how they relate to mind-boggling theoretical physics. -you live your life as normal. Quantum suicide is a thought experiment in quantum mechanics and the philosophy of physics. That’s the thing: people DON’T die of “old age”. 2 Multiverse-immortality significantly increases the chances of the success of cryonics 21 6. There's no way around it. It's literally the worst violation of Occam's razor ever conceived by the human mind :) finally i never thought of this until i wrote out my second question but how the fuck would dying of old age work because you would have to go back in time because there is nothing you can do to prevent dying of old age unless you went back in time but how would that work for the person experiencing death that way. Throughout the history of the world, there have been many times when people tried to find Jul 13, 2016 · A quantum computer corrected its own errors, improving its calculations A healthy old age may trump immortality. Knowing old people I think they often get bored or start to release and not be attached to this reality as they age so maybe common people are not interested and just want to rest but spiritual practitioners are always in a journey. I'm 36yrs old and I die in a car accident, and the next thing I know I'm in another timeline. be/TP5W2MG8Jjs Possible practical applications of the multiverse immortality 21 6. Quantum suicide and immortality. Aug 24, 2021 · 8207 Likes, 374 Comments. I suspect when a infant is born and that infant cries is doing so because they slightly remember there past life and struggles with time that memory fades away or if you are suffer an accidental Death then your consciousness will just find another you, how you end up Been you again I don’t know you will find slight differences. And maybe, if you are 300 years old, you die, no way around it. This Many-Worlds Interpretation by physicist Hugh Everett in 1950s showcases branching realities where consciousness persists. your body is frail and unable of any kind of unassisted action. Hence, you remain intact May 1, 2014 · But what makes you think you were only that youth. Maybe we don’t get to experience super old age in this reality. To my understanding, the theory seems to implicate that if the many worlds interpretation is true, then all conscious beings experience simultaneously all universes in which they are alive and conscious, but not the ones in which they are not. Miller and colleagues fed mice metformin starting when the rodents were 9 Arthur had become consumed by the study of quantum mechanics and the morbid implications of the many-worlds interpretation. Such a quantity of luckiness is even big enough to keep that person away from the aging of the human body. There are two common May 9, 2023 · Quantum suicide and quantum immortality are related concepts in quantum mechanics. Quantum immortality doesn't mean that the gun jams- the person could just end up quadripeligic and/or brain damaged from the shot but continue living in complete misery. If all of us exist as a way for the Universe to expand and understand itself, then maybe the point of quantum immortality isn't to preserve one complete lifetime, but simply the mechanism by which we experience every possible iteration of ourselves for the sake of knowledge and growth. When thinking that one is “lucky” enough to survive an accident, it ultimately has to turn to the topic of possibility. Apr 21, 2010 · FAQ: Quantum Suicide Theory = Everyone Dies Of Old Age? 1. In order to accomplish this evaluation, the concepts of the main two interpretations of quantum physics: 1)Copenhagen Interpretation(or non-MWI interpretation), and 2)Many Worlds Mar 12, 2020 · In the quantum suicide experiment, as you sit awaiting possible death inside the box being both the observer and test subject, your odds of survival are 50% per the probability of a given quantum Dec 1, 2018 · This article explores theoretical conditions necessary for “quantum immortality” (QI) as well as its possible practical implications. Never said anything about science :) the science and experiments we’re capable of with limited human senses are very limited themselves, and rely on many assumptions (including about the essential nature of spacetime) that aren’t provably true. Yes, quantum immortality posits that your age is not absolute but relative to a variety of surrounding way-markers. if youre old and theres a quantum branch where you live and one where you die, your existence continues in the former If the theory of quantum immortality is indeed accurate, and every time you die in one timeline you hop over to the nearest one, let's think about this scenario. times all the other particles and all possible combinations and you start Nov 9, 2021 · (Image credit: Netflix) As you’ll find cited in many a science-adjacent show – even The Big Bang Theory – the cat is considered both alive or dead until the box is opened, and the observer This is a more technical question, does quantum immorality implies literal immortality like for example what if someone dies from old age does QI say that there is a reality where that person is still alive? A theory: when you die of old age, you wake up in your bed at a younger age, or in another body. Yes,and I have strong evidence. 2. Dec 29, 2021 · Follow-up Questions About Quantum Immortality Common Misconceptions About Quantum Immortality; The Origin of Quantum Immortality The origin of quantum immortality dates back to 1956 when Hugh Everett published his paper on the “Theory of Universal Wavefunction,” which postulates the MWI of quantum mechanics. The age reduced because of genetic entropy. And each individual one still wouldn't be immortal. Low entropy universes ensure perpetually 40yrs old of this universe, though in subsequent universes we get to be thousands of years old. We have “best until” dates. tdvqm xnbo qoey htj cgj kkjm ihxfet gqdg jxmy nvvuy